Bowman, N. D., Wulf, T., King, J., & Hodge, S. (2024, February). The Psychology of Nostalgia in Video Games: A Research Retrospective. Nostalagain. Canada: Montreal.
Wulf, T. & Naderer, B. (2024, November). Rainbowwashing or genuine support? The role of imagery and journalistic assessments in shaping consumer perceptions. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the DGPuK-Division „Werbekommunikation", Amsterdam: Netherlands.
Wulf, T. (2023, November). Neue Herausforderungen - neue Kooperationen? Perspektiven auf Forschungskooperationen zwischen wissenschaftlicher und angewandter Werbeforschung. [New challenges - new cooperations? Perspectives on research cooperations between advertising research in academia and industry]. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the DGPuK-Division „Werbekommunikation", Würzburg: Germany.
Wulf, T., Schwertberger, U., & Rieger, D. (2023, September). From Viewer to Patron. Exploring the Associations Between Use Motives, Parasocial Relationships and Donations on Twitch. Paper presented at the 12th Meeting of the Media Psychology Division of the German Association of Psychology. Luxembourg City: Luxembourg.
Clever, L., Frischlich, L., Wulf, T., Wildschut, T., & Sedikides, C. (2022, May). Populists Reliance on Nostalgia: A Supervised Machine Learning Approach. Accepted for presentation at the 72nd Annual Conference of the ICA, Paris, France.
Naderer, B., Hohner, J., Wulf, T., & Olbermann, Z. (2022, June). Making sense of washing-practices. An exploratory study of the Twitter and Instagram discourse on pinkwashing. Paper presented at the 20th annual conference of the European Advertising Academy, ICORIA 2022. Prague: Czech Republic.
Wulf, T. (2022, September). Leaving Shadowlands for New Horizons: Current developments in psychological research on video game effects. Invited Keynote at the Clash of Realities conference 2022. Cologne: Germany.
Wulf, T. (2022, November). Karrierewege in der Wissenschaft und Außerhalb [Career paths in and out of academia]. Invited Keynote for the Media Psychology Division of the German Association of Psychology. Online.
Bowman, N. D., Velez, J., Wulf, T., Breuer, J., Yoshimura, K., & Resignato, L. (2021, May). That bygone feeling: Controller haptics and nostalgia in video game play. Paper presented at the 71st Annual Conference of the ICA, Virtual Conference (originally to be held in Denver, CO, USA).
Menke, M., & Wulf, T. (2021, May). The Dark Side of Inspirational Pasts: An Investigation of Nostalgia in Right-Wing Populist Communication. Paper presented at the 71st Annual Conference of the ICA, Virtual Conference (originally to be held in Denver, CO, USA).
Possler, D. Scheper, J., Borgmann, P., Breuer, J. S., Klimmt, C. Temps, J., & Wulf, T. (2021, July). Informativeness of user-written game reviews. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Computational Social Science, Virtual Conference (originally to be held in Zurich, Switzerland).
Rieger, D., Wulf, T., Riesmeyer, C., & Ruf, L. (2021, May). “I am involved, am I?” Interactive Decision-Making in Entertainment Movies. A Mixed-Method Approach. Paper presented at the 71st Annual Conference of the ICA, Virtual Conference (originally to be held in Denver, CO, USA).
Riesmeyer, C., Bößenecker, M., Frischlich, L. Markiewitz, A., [...], & Wulf, T. (2021, April). Gemeinsam gegen Hass: Von individuellen Strategien zum organisierten Umgang mit Hate Speech gegen Wissenschaftler*innen im Fach. Paper presented at the DACH 21 Conference. Switzerland: Zurich [Held online because of COVID-19].
Schmitt, J. B., Wulf, T., & Breuer, J. S. (2021, September). From cognitive overload to digital detox: Psychological implications of telework during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. Paper presented at the 11th Meeting of the Media Psychology Division of the German Association of Psychology. Aachen: Germany.
Wulf, T., & Naderer, B. (2021, April). Advertising what matters? Media effects of ads dealing with social issues. Paper presented at the DACH 21 Conference. Switzerland: Zurich [Held online because of COVID-19].
Wulf, T., Naderer, B., Olbermann, Z., & Hohner, J. (2021, September). Finding gold at the end of the rainbowflag? Claim vagueness and presence of imagery as factors for rainbowwashing. Paper presented at the 11th Meeting of the Media Psychology Division of the German Association of Psychology. Aachen: Germany.
Wulf, T., Naderer, B., Olbermann, Z., & Hohner, J. (2021, June). Finding gold at the end of the rainbowflag? Claim vagueness and presence of emotional imagery as factors for rainbowwashing. Paper presented at the 19th annual conference of the European Advertising Academy, ICORIA 2021. Bordeaux: France [Held online because of COVID-19].
Wulf, T., Peter, C., & Rieger, D. (2021, May). Portrayals of a perfect relationship? A multi-method approach on #couplegoals. Paper presented at the 71st Annual Conference of the ICA, Virtual Conference (originally to be held in Denver, CO, USA).
Wulf, T., & Menke, M. (2020, October [postponed due to COVID-19]). The nostalgic sentiment in populism: The Alternative for Germany´s (AfD) election campaign in East-German Thuringia. Paper presented at the 8th European Communication Conference. Braga: Portugal.
Menke, M., & Wulf, T. (2020, September [postponed due to COVID-19]). When Populists Revisit the Past: The “Turnaround 2.0” as a Trope in the Alternative for Germany´s (AfD) Election Campaign in East-German Thuringia. Paper presented at the Memory and Media Conference. Salzburg: Austria.
Wulf, T. (2020, March). Et hätt noch emmer joot jejange: Theoretische Überlegungen zum Einsatz medieninduzierter Nostalgie für emotionsorientierte Coping-Prozesse. [In the end, everything turned out alright. Theoretical considerations of using media-induced nostalgia for emotion-oriented coping] Paper presented at the 65th annual meeting of the German Communication Association, München: Germany.
Ruf, L., Wulf, T., Riesmeyer, C., & Rieger, D. (2020, January). Wie Netflix unsere Filmerlebnisse revolutionieren könnte. Eine Mehrmethodenstudie zur Untersuchung des Unterhaltungserlebens bei interaktiven Filmen. [How Netflix alters movie experiences. A multi-method study discovering entertainment experiences as a response to interactive movies] Paper presented at the annual meeting of the DGPuK-Division „Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung", Würzburg: Germany.
Wulf, T., & Us, I. (2020, January). Das kaufe ich dir (nicht) ab. Der Zusammenhang von Narrativität in Werbebotschaften mit Verarbeitungsprozessen und Spotbewertungen. [I (don’t) buy it. How narrativity impacts mechanisms of ad evaluations] Paper presented at the annual meeting of the DGPuK-Division „Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung", Würzburg: Germany.
Bonus, J. A., Matthews, N., & Wulf, T. (2019, May). The impact of moral expectancy violations on audiences' parasocial relationships with movie heroes and villains. Paper presented at the International Communication Association 69th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
Bowman, N. D., Wulf, T., Velez, J. A., & Breuer, J. (2019, September). That bygone feeling. Controller haptics and gaming nostalgia. Paper presented at the 11th Meeting of the Media Psychology Division of the German Association of Psychology. Chemnitz: Germany.
Wulf, T., Bonus, J. A., & Matthews, N. (2019, May). The cost of clairvoyance: Enjoyment and appreciation of popular films as a function of affective forecasting errors. Paper presented at the International Communication Association 69th Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
Wulf, T., Rieger, D., Kümpel, A., & Reinecke, L. (2019, September). Harder, better, faster, stronger?
The relationship between cognitive task demands in video games and recovery experiences. Paper presented at the 11th Meeting of the Media Psychology Division of the German Association of Psychology. Chemnitz: Germany.
Bowman, N. D., Wulf, T., Breuer, J., & Velez, J. (2018, May). Invoking gaming nostalgia: Past play, entertaining experiences, and social others. Paper presented at the International Communication Association 68th Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
Wulf, T. & Baldwin, M. (2018, January). Me, myself, and Pikachu: Mediennostalgie als Mediennutzungs- und Wirkungsfaktor am Beispiel Pokémon Go. [Media nostalgia as a factor for media usage and media effects taking the example of Pokémon Go.] Paper presented at the annual meeting of the DGPuK-Division „Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung", Hohenheim, Germany.
Wulf, T. & Baldwin, M. (2018, May). Me, myself, and Pikachu: Explaining the success of Pokémon Go with nostalgic media experiences. Paper presented at the International Communication Association 68th Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
Wulf, T., Bonus, J. A., & Rieger, D. (2018, May). The inspired time traveler: Media-induced nostalgia fosters self-continuity. Paper presented at the International Communication Association 68th Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
Bowman, N. D., Wulf, T., Breuer, J., & Velez, J. (2017, November). Those Good Ol’ Pixels: Exploring Player’s Video Game Nostalgic and Social Game Memories. Paper presented at the National Communication Association annual meeting, Dallas.
Bowman, N. D., Wulf, T., Velez, J. A., & Breuer, J. (2017, October). Playing with the pixelated past: Need satisfaction and entertainment experiences in gaming memories. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers. Tartu: Estonia.
Breuer, J., Velez, J. A., Bowman, N. D., Wulf, T., & Bente, G. (2017, May). “Pass me the rock and I pass you the dough” - The effects of coplayer supportiveness and difficulty in a sports video game on prosocial behavior. Paper presented at the 66th Annual International Communication Association Conference. USA: San Diego.
Wulf, T., Beckert, S., & Schneider, F. M. (2017, May). Watching players: An exploration of the drivers of media enjoyment using the live video game broadcasting platform Twitch. Paper presented at the 66th Annual International Communication Association Conference. USA: San Diego.
Wulf, T., Breuer, J., Bowman, N. D., Velez, J. A. (2017, September). Once upon a game: Gaming nostalgia, need-satisfaction, and well-being. Paper presented at the 10th Meeting of the Media Psychology Division of the German Association of Psychology. Landau: Germany.
Wulf, T., Schmitt, J. B., & Rieger, D. (2017, May). Blissed by the past: Media-induced nostalgia as audience response factor for subjective and psychological well-being. Paper presented at the 66th Annual International Communication Association Conference. USA: San Diego.
Wulf, T. (2016, June). Play it again?! Nostalgia and the motivation to re-play video games. Paper presented at the 65th Annual International Communication Association Conference. Fukuoka: Japan.
Wulf, T., Rieger, D., Breuer, J., & Bente, G. (2016, June). United we spend, divided we brawl? The influence of players’ interdependence on need satisfaction and charitable behavior. Paper presented at the Preconference “Just Games?” of the ICA Game Studies Division.Tokyo: Japan.
Rieger, D., Kneer, J., Frischlich, L., Wulf, T., Rutkowski, O., & Bente, G. (2015, May). Enhancing Vitality - Physiological Evidence for the Recovery Potential of Entertaining Movies. Paper presented at the 64th Annual International Communication Association Conference. San Juan: Puerto Rico.
Wulf, T., Rieger, D., Frischlich, L., Rutkowski, O., & Bente, G. (2015, May). Wallowing in media-past: Personal and collective triggers of media-induced nostalgia. Paper presented at the 64th Annual International Communication Association Conference. San Juan: Puerto Rico.
Wulf, T., Rieger, D., Bente, G. (2014, May). The winner takes it all: The effect of in-game success on mood repair. Paper presented at the 64th Annual International Communication Association Conference. Seattle: USA.
Wulf, T., Rieger, D., Kneer, J., & Bente, G. (2013, September). The arcane force of arcade games: Killing inky as a hanky. Poster presented at the 8th Meeting of the Media Psychology Division of the German Association of Psychology. Würzburg: Germany.