Curriculum Vitae
03/2022 - Today
Senior Advertising Researcher
RTL Data, RTL Deutschland GmbH
09/2020 - 03/2022
Assistant Professor (Akademischer Rat auf Zeit), LMU Munich
(Research Group of Prof. Dr. Diana Rieger)
09/2018 - 09/2020
Post-doctoral Researcher, LMU Munich (Prof. Dr. Diana Rieger)
10/2014 - 12/2018
PhD Student, University of Cologne (Prof. Dr. Gary Bente)
04/2018 - 06/2018
Research Assistant, University of Mannheim (Institute of Media and Communication Studies, Prof. Dr. Peter Vorderer)
11/2017 - 02/2018
Research Assistant, University of Cologne (Intercultural Communication and Education, Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Roth)
06/2017 - 11/2017
Visiting Researcher, University of Southampton (Centre for Research on Self and Identity, Prof. Dr. Constantine Sedikides)
04/2016 - 12/2016
Research Assistant, University of Mannheim (Institute of Media and Communication Studies, Prof. Dr. Peter Vorderer)
10/2013 - 03/2016
Master of Arts, Media Science, University of Cologne, Germany.
- Media Cultural Studies & Media Psychology
- MA Thesis: United we spend – divided we brawl? Eine empirische Untersuchung zum Einfluss von Kooperation in Videospielen auf Emotionsregulation und
prosoziales Verhalten
07/2015 - 12/2015
Qualification in Systemic Coaching and Change Management, INeKO Institute at the University of Cologne, Germany.
10/2010 - 09/2013
Bachelor of Arts, Media Science, University of Cologne, Germany.
- Media Cultural Studies & Media Psychology
- BA Thesis: Spiel, Spaß und Sieg: Eine empirische Untersuchung zum Einfluss des
Erfolgserlebens in Videospielen auf die Stimmungsregulation
2021 - today
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Media Psychology, Hogrefe Publishing.
2020 - 2022
Secretary, Game Studies Division of the International Communication Association (ICA)
2019 / 2020
Guest Editor for Media and Communication | Special Issue Volume 8, Issue 3,
together with Johannes Breuer and M. Rohangis Mohseni
2019 - 2020
Student Representative, Game Studies Division of the International Communication Association (ICA)
2018 - 2019
Vice Student Representative, Game Studies Division of the International Communication Association (ICA)
Peer Reviewed Journals
- Communication Theory
- Computers in Human Behavior
- Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
- Frontiers in Psychology
- Human Communication Research
- InMind
- Journal of Applied Social Psychology
- Journal of Children and Media
- Journal of Happiness Studies
- Journal of Media Psychology
- Journal of the Association for Consumer Research
- Mass Communication & Society
- Media Psychology
- Mobile Media and CommunicationNew Media and Society
- Poetics
- Psychology of Popular Media
- Studies in Communication and Media (SC|M)
- Time and Society
- International Communication Association (Mass Communiaction and Game Studies Divisions)
- German Communication Association (DGPuK; Media Reception and Effects and Advertizing Divisions)
- European Advertizing Academy (ICORIA)